Musikfestspiele › Little garden dictionary
Little garden dictionary
- Florilegium: lat. the picking of blossoms or "the fruits of reading". Collection of Bible passages, figures of speech and quotations by famous writers. / Suites by Georg Muffat (1653-1704)
- Fürst Hermann von Pückler-Muskau (1785-1871): Prussian mediatised Prince, lieutenant general, landscape architect, writer, world traveller.
- Garden: confined piece of land for the planting of vegetables, fruits, flowers ... In German derived from the Old High German garto and the Indo-Germanic ghorto, which also means wattle or fence.
- Hortus conclusus: Closed Garden. Particularly important as image motif in Virgin mary symbolism.
- Hortus Musicus: Musical Garden / Collection by Johann Adam Reincken (1643-1722).
- I dodici giardini: The Twelve Gardens / Text of Devotion by St. Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463).
- Il giardino d'amore: The Garden of Love. Painting by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) in the Picture Gallery Sanssouci. Serenata by Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725).
- Il giardino armonico: The Harmonic Garden / An Italian Old Music star ensemble.
- Il giardino del piacere: The Pleasure Garden / Collection of Trio sonatas by Johann Friedrich Meister (1638?-1697).
- Il giardino segreto: The Secret Garden, e.g. Garden at Villa Illaire, Potsdam / Title of a novel for children by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924).
- Karl Foerster (1874-1970): German Gardener mainly worked in Potsdam, Shrub Grower, Writer and Philosopher.
- Paradise/Paradise garden: biblical Garden of Eden Greek paradeisos. Persian pairidaeza - fenced in.
- Peter Joseph Lenné (1789-1866): Prussian garden artist of the German classicism. He shaped the garden art in Prussia for almost half a century.
- Rose: Any plant of the species Rosa. La Púrpura de la Rosa (opera), Roman de la Rose (book), Il Giardino di Rose (The Rose Garden / oratorio by Alessandro Scarlatti), Rosa mystica (mysterious rose/ part of Virgin Mary symbolism), Rosary: chain for counting and praying, esp. for the rosary prayer / identically named sonatas by Heinrich Ignaz Biber (1644-1704).
- Ryoanjigarden: stone garden near Kyoto, Japan, created in 1499 / Inspiration for John Cage (1912-1992) when composing Ryoanji.
- Sello: German gardener family, which produced three generations of court gardeners.
- The Rare Fruits Council: Baroque ensemble.
- Vauxhall Gardens: for 200 years (1660-1859) London's favourite amusement garden.
- Villa d'Este: villa with garden in Tivoli near Rome. Icon of renaissance culture / Inspiration for Franz Liszt (1811-1886).