
The following photographic images are protected under copyright. They are available for free downloads, but they must only be used for reporting from the Music Festival Potsdam Sanssouci and by using relevant picture credits.

Any publications not related to Music Festival Potsdam Sanssouci require prior written consent by Music Festival Potsdam Sanssouci. We are happy to provide you with further images, please contact our press department.

Press downloads
artists’ pictures are available in the festival calendar with the respective performance. JPG files are available, normally in RGB with 300dpi resolution.

Of course, we are happy to provide you with additional images on request. Please use our press contact.

Press contact

Skala PR
Birgit Niemeyer
fon +49 (0)177 7859275

You can open or download the following press releases as PDF files by clicking on them:
press release »Closing of the 2023 Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci« (25th June 2023, in German)
press release »Opening: In Friendship« (10th June 2023, in German)
press release »In Friendship« (17th January 2023, in German)

Live recording
– Here you can find the live recording of the press conference of the Music Festival Potsdam Sanssouci »In Friendship« from 17th January 2023 (in German)