| 19:30 | From young to old


Magical string music between baroque, folk and free-style

New Chambers Sanssouci / Address: Ovid Gallery

Traditional music from Norway
Baroque music from England and Italy
New compositions by Benedicte Maurseth and Nils Økland


Knut Hamre, Hardanger violin
Benedicte Maurseth, Hardanger violin, viola d’amore
Nils Økland, Hardanger violin, violin, viola d’amore
Elisabeth Seitz, tympanon
Philippe Pierlot, viola da gamba


[Extra listening] 18.30 h "Fascinating Hardanger" – the Norwegian violinist Benedicte Maurseth in conversation with Dr. Jelle Dierickx

The combination of archaic rawness and timeless, elementary power makes for a memorable experience when listening to a Hardanger violin. It has additional resonance chords like the viola d’amore and its flat chevalet allows for playing in chords much like the viola da gamba. Five virtuosic soloists become a fabulous ensemble, make the stories hidden in their old instruments resonate and conjure up worlds of sound in the listener’s ear that make the borders between old and new music miraculously permeable. In German Elisabeth Seitz’ instrument is, rather crudely referred to as "chopping board" yet when she plays it, a baroque gavotte suddenly sounds as if dreamed under the midnight sun.

Event is in the past.