Thu 20 h h

The Mad Lover

Two Virtuosos dive into the glitzy musical World of 17th Century England


Sonatas, fantasies & all sorts of bizarre matters by John Eccles, Henry & Daniel Purcell as well as Nicola Matteis senior & junior


Théotime Langlois de Swarte, violin
Thomas Dunford, lute

John Donne wrote » No man is an island, entire of itself«, yet sometimes we are so »maddened« by love or pain that we lock ourselves into the riches of our interiors. The top violinist and the global sensation that is his partner found those riches, captured in the music by Purcell’s contemporaries – sometimes melancholic and odd, sometimes exuberantly capricious, always true to life. And they want to share those riches, because when you share music, you might be alone at times, but you are never lonely.

B  shuttle bus bookable at the box office