Tue 20 h



August Zirner, narrator, flute
Liz Kosack, Synthesizer, piano & masks
Constantin Herzog, contrabass & electronic bass
Ramón Lopez, drums, percussion, table & painting
Maja Blomstrand, dance
Jakob Jentgens, sounds, tenor sax
Christof Schläger, analog music machines

Michael Niesemann, saxophone, oboe, photography, composition & conception

Hermann Hesse was no longer alive when the hippie movement made his Steppenwolf their bible. A young generation seeking individual freedom beyond meaningless, bourgeois conventions identified with his hero. In an imaginary »magical theatre« Hesse at last allows him to open the forbidden doors to his self and sensually explore new playgrounds. A top creative team realizes Hesse’s dream of a »magical theatre«: Welcome to the world of your fantasy!