Sat 10.30 h

Midsummer Flower Party


Luciana Mancini, singing
Solmund Nystabakk, lute

Annette Paul, Christiane Russel, Karin
Warnken, Luise Fuhr, Suse Weisse

Karen Münzner, wreaths

Today’s summer solstice gives us the longest day of the year and the most beautiful midsummer parties are celebrated in Scandinavia. And yes – you dress up for the occasion! That’s why after saying hello we go out on the meadow to pick flowers and when we get back we use our harvest to make wreaths. In the meantime the old people listen to midsummer tales in the story café – and of course it’s also possible to visit one another. In the end everyone gets together for the concert with Nordic midsummer songs and the most beautiful wreath wins an award.

For families with children aged 4 and above