Sat 21 h

Contrapunctus floridus

Irresistible: English vocal polyphony at around 1500


John Browne
Stabat Mater | Salve Regina
Thomas Ashwell
Missa Ave Maria


Clara Brunet i Vila, Teodora Tommasi, Andrew Hallock, Tomàs Maxé, Albert Riera, Andrés Miravete, Marius Peterson, Arnout Malfliet

Björn Schmelzer, artistic director

Voices building delicate webs and melodic lines that make refined ornaments blossom: the mystery of god’s incarnation through the body of the Virgin Mary as a sensually beguiling portrayal in the Holy Virgin Songs of two English master composers. At least when outstanding ensemble Graindelavoix dedicate themselves to these milestones of vocal polyphony. Their recording was listed on the 2019 record critics’ list of the best and quite rightly so.