Fri 19 h
Orangery Palace Plant hall
palace concerts

The way the renaissance dances

Dances for kings, fools & lovers


Basses dances, balli, pavans, gaillards, tourdions, folias, spagnolettas, morescas & more, transplanted from the courts of Burgundy, Italy & France to Sanssouci in a dance concert


Hubert Hazebroucq
dance & choreography
Irène Feste, Antonin Pinget dance
Paulin Bündgen altus
Capucine Keller soprano
Miguel Henry lute
Jérémie Papasergio, Elsa Frank,
Adrien Reboisson wind instruments
Denis Raisin Dadre wind instruments & conductor
Bruno Caillat percussion

At the Renaissance courts, no festivity was complete without dancing, and the demand for dance music for ball and stage was enormous. Anyone who imagines the dances of the time to be rather solemn, measured and highly stylized will be surprised by the variety of forms that Hubert Hazebroucq's small but extremely refined troupe conjures up on stage. The dancer, choreographer and dance researcher is not considered to be a luminary in this field for nothing. Aristocratically refined, spectacularly virtuosic, sometimes also exuberantly foolish: He lets the carousel of musical motifs rotate to the provocative woodwind sound, typical of the time. He and his band would have been valued their weight in gold back then. They enjoy a legendary reputation among Renaissance fans.

LOGO With dance

B Shuttle bus bookable
