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Bicycle Concert (Tour 1 & 2)

mobile – climate friendly – sustainable
28 concerts, guided tours and viewings with 18 venues
Sunday, 09:30
14. June 2020
Sunday, 09:30
13. June

Potsdam is a city with a future and for the future. That’s a fact the Music Festival’s 11th Bicycle Concert is happy to prove. Everyone’s talking about the weather – we act. For the very first time our popular sporting, city history and music event pays special attention to the climate and sustainable use of resources. Electricity-free with an energy bonus for the arts – featuring a detour into valuable buildings and value-creating facilities.

Focussing on the future means putting the next generation centre stage. That is why apart from the two traditional tours for mobility junkies and energy artists (about 22km each) there is – for the very first time – a family tour that must be booked individually and offers both a dedicated program for young listeners as well as a later departure time to lower potential group stress. (10 km)

Join us and cycle through the green capital city, palaces, gardens and science parks. Check out indigenous instruments like the didgeridoo, the sound of the tenoroon or your very own voice. Discover future plastics and keep pedalling to mix an energy smoothie, watch some cinema or create music. Experience how decommissioned pieces have a second career as art or percussion and how Bach and Händel can make their sheet music appear as good as new in a jiffy.

Three tours and a comprehensive program for legs, heads and ears that won’t be outdated anytime soon.

Service bicycle concert 2021

Span service: Räderei Am Kanal  | tel 0331 2702298 |
mail(at) |
Bike rental: Potsdam per Pedales | tel 0331 7480057 |
mail(at) |


ALTER MARKT start Maria & Stana Kliegl, street-organ on bike | Frank Bast, waffle-, smoothie-, coffee bikes to go
NIKOLAISAAL ALPIN DRUMS, household percussion
SCHIFFBAUERGASSE Hans Otto Theater | Theaterschiff VENUSBRASS, mobile female virtuoso | Larsito, Bruce Benner, Chainless D., Upcycling Art from the Street | Susanne Würmell, containers for singing – glass harp | Marc Eisenschink, Franziska Melzer, tenoroon | MOVIEMENTO E.V., green energy with bicycle cinema and music by pedalling
GUTENBERGSTRASSE Urania planetarium | Pure Corde Eldar Blau, The Legendary Strawberry Man – Sax-Didgeridoo | Margherita Naldini, violone, Marco Testori, violoncello on gut strings, Valentin Oelmüller, gut string workshop
LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE ASTROPHYSICS Luise Enzian, baroque harp | Brass quintet, ensembles from the City Music School »Johann Sebastian Bach«
HISTORISCHE MÜHLE VON SANSSOUCI SelbstgebauteMusik, CycleChainSoundMachine
MAULBEERALLEE Orangerieschloss Sanssouci | Grotte L’ARTE DEL MONDO, G.F. Händel’s recycling – trio sonata op. 5 No. 4 | YATAO, indigenous sounds with Alexander Mercks(Hang) & Malte Marten (Didgeridoo)
POTSDAM SCIENCE PARK Max Planck campus Alex Canella, drums & percussion, Tommaso Caccia, guitar | Prof. Johannes Ganster, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymers
LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING AND BIOECONOMY VENUSBRASS, mobile female virtuoso | Kristine Schütt, Frank Pfeil, poplar tree sounds dream space station
UNIVERSITY CAMPUS NEUES PALAIS Audimax Daniel Gerzenberg, pastoral for 88 keys | Eywie Wolff, The art of the unicycle
NEUENDORFER ANGER Alte Neuendorfer Kirche | Backofen Babelsberg ENSEMBLE ROSARUM FLORES-TRICOLOR, cane pipes | Andreas Prittwitz, saxophon
FREUNDSCHAFTSTEMPEL Park Sanssouci LES MUSICIENS DE SAINT-JULIEN, French gallant – musettes | Olaf Kolecki, the shepherd of Sanssouci
RECYCLING CENTRE DREWITZ | THERMAL POWER STATION POTSDAM-SÜD RECYKLANG, from scrap to music | guided tours of the thermal power station
OLD GRAVEYARD visit to Quantz
ERLÖSERKIRCHE finale POTSDAMER KANTOREI, Ud Joffe & NEUES KAMMERORCHESTER POTSDAM, »Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!« – musical recycling by J.S. Bach and much more


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»Bicycle Concert 2020« ⬇

Download route tour 1 & 2 ⬇

Download program tour 1 & 2 ⬇

Check-in & start

Alter Markt Potsdam
Exchange your tickets for your day pass and get your personal travel documents granting you free access to all events. Cycling in the historical parks is permitted on dedicated lanes only. Please note that the German highway-code applies!

Tour 1 & 2 sporty, fit & mobile:  09:30 to 11:00 h

Calendar 2021
Digitale Musikfestspiele - Sponsoren & Partner