The ninth muse

Tickets available at box office.
09. June
Musenrondell, Park Sanssouci

The Muses have a permanent representation in Park Sanssouci close to the New Chambers. Yet there is only sufficient space in the circle’s perfect symmetry for eight of them. Urania must stay behind in the sculptor’s workshop – where his crea- tion, when touched by Apollo, suddenly comes to life. Mojca Gal’s virtuosic company tells this ageold artist dream as a ballet pantomime with baroque dance art in all its lightfooted refinement and musical inspiration provided by the graceful sparkles of Caspar Ferdinand Fischer, Johann Christian Schieferdecker.

In case of bad weather the Muses will be dancing in the Hall of Plants at Orangery Palace Sanssouci. Up-to-date information is available at from 15.00 h on the day of the concert.


Dance Company Chorea Basileae
Alberto Arcos | Gudrun Skamletz | Antonin Pinget
Mojca Gal, choreography & head

Ensemble ad Fontes
Monika Baer, Violine | Anne Simone Aeberhard, Blockflöten | Bruno Hurtado Gosalvez, Viola da gamba | Thomas Leininger, harpsichord
